Monday, January 12, 2009

What's in a day?

It's Monday. It's zero degrees Fahrenheit outside, with strong winds heading to the 50 degree below zero range tonight. Thankfully, this is Modern America and I am wearing shorts, a tank top and little slipper things. I have an excuse, I was overheated after brushing snow off the car. Some people have one thing they wear all day. I have three sets of garments I change in and out of all day depending on how warm or cold I am or if someone will actually see me, and then about three days later, I wash them all. It's the same, right?

I'm watching a television show about Helvetica. The history of Helvetica! The anti-Helvetica revolution of the '80s. That's a good way to spend a frigid Monday evening in shorts, right? Helvetica is back.

I had a few cups of flavored caffeine this morning (let's be honest -- the flavor is beside the point, it's the caffeine that really counts), and while waiting for it to kick in, I spun up my Xbox 360 and kept a planet from being destroyed by an asteroid hijacked by terrorists. After getting thanked by the people whose lives I saved, and stocking up on grenades and getting some great new red and black armor, I switched back to my normal life.

Later I got engrossed in the book in the bathroom, and broke the rules and took it into the bedroom to read a few more chapters (even though I'm reading a different book in the bedroom). I have yet another book in the living room. Books end up wherever is most comfortable, and the bathroom never wins. Many books start there, they just don't finish there.

Maybe it's time to admit that I should sign up for or something? Except I love being able to wear teal shorts and a hot-pink tank top in the dead of winter and watch completely strange television after playing in the snow to get the car out of the drifts. Can't be serious all the time.

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